Where are you from? What's your ethnicity?
I'm from Wales. I'm of Welsh and Irish descent.

How old are you?
21. My birthday is July 16th, so pretty much smack bang in the middle of the year.

Is your hair colour natural?
No, I'm too impulsive to stick to my natural colour! I like to mess around with it occasionally.

How can I contact you?
If you want to chit chat with me, go to my twitter! @liviesays
If you're a company, please email me: liviesayspromo@yahoo.co.uk

How long have you been on YouTube/How long have you had your Blog?
I started my YouTube channel in January 2010. I've only had my blog since the end of January 2012, so not long at all!

What do you do for a living?
I work for a video production agency, I also film videos for YouTube. I'm also a deferred student; I'm reading Politics at Queen Mary.

Do you get paid to show products on your YouTube channel/Blog?
No. The idea of it creeps me out - if I like something, i'll talk about it. I don't want to be forced/coerced into creating a positive review just because a company has paid me to say nice things about a product! It's just not right. It's different if you're a brand ambassador, because that's more like a job. But when you're just doing videos/writing blogposts, I think it's a little inappropriate.

How tall are you?
I'm about 5"4.

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